Wordcloud2 - Top Three Budget Speech Analysis Wordcloud2 has been generated for top three budget speeches in the recent past three decades starting from 1991-92. It was a historical budget sppech of our recent political history by Dr.Manmohan Singh. Then, came another high profile budget speech in the year 2004-05 by Shri.P.Chidambaram. Then, now the running honourable finance minister Nirmala Seetharaman has made a budget speech 2020-21 for which there was high expectations from the people of India. Wordcloud is too basic a tool for analysing the budget speech. The intent of this blog is demonstration of wordcloud2 generation and budget analysis with wordcloud is only a byproduct. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #R Code: #step-by-step approach to wordcloud2 for budget speech in pdf #step1: save budget speech 1991-92, 2004-05, and 2020-21 as pdf in working directory #step2: load NLP, tm, RColorBrewer, SnowballC, wordcloud2, pdftools...
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