Neural Network – IRIS data Classification Model, Dr. Arunachalam Rajagopal

Neural Network – IRIS data Classification Model by Dr. Arunachalam Rajagopal Artificial Neural Network (ANN): A typical artificial neural network is shown in Figure 1. ANN is a sub-domain of artificial intelligence, AI. ANNs attempt to imitate the behaviour of human brain for problem solving by creating an abstract model. ANN models which are basically non-linear in nature could abstract and represent any non-linear function. Activation function: introduces the non-linear characteristics into the neural network. The activation function is selected based on the type of data to be modeled. The often used activation functions are: Rectified Linear Unit (ReLu) Logistic function Hyperbolic tangent (tanh) Figure 1 Artificial Neural Network Example Demo: Neural Network The iris data set has been made use of for demonstrating the development of neural network classification model. The Figure 2 shows the three flowers in the iris family which are Setos...